Investigate where science and mind-body practices meet
Dr. Lin will give a brief presentation on his research into the use of hi-tech approaches to study the physiological and bioenergetic changes associated with mind-body practices and Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies.
Dr. Lin will then walk the audience through a traditional movement exercise.
Explore an Integrative Approach to Pain
Dr. Halbeisen will describe her integrative approach to patient health that focuses on exercise, nutrition, movement, mental health and lifestyle as a means to create a balance with the ultimate goal being mind, body and spiritual contentment. Through her practice, she treats a variety of ailments including concussion, plantar fasciitis, migraines, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) and chronic back and neck pain.
Yoga and Mindful Movement
Yoga and other traditional movement practices help calm the mind and improve strength, flexibility, balance and attention. Dr. Maurer will give a brief presentation on the role of mindful movement in health and well-being, and lead you through some simple exercises that focus on developing mind-body awareness.
Dr. Don Maurer teaches Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and other mindfulness programs at the Susan Samueli Center of Integrative Medicine and other locations in Orange County. In addition, he is involved with teaching and conducting research on mindfulness in healthcare and in the workplace at UCI. He has attended teacher training with senior faculty including Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn at the UMass Medical School Center for Mindfulness. His career has included practice as an Emergency Medicine physician for thirty years. He is also certified in Health and Wellness Coaching.
Workshop Moderator: Robert Burns
Robert Burns is the owner of Shape-Up Fitness Center since 1982 — a high end health club and day spa. Past chairman of the Advisory Board and current member of UC Irvine’s Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine. Past President of The Urantia Book Fellowship and current General Councilor. Past President of the American Heart Association Orange County Division. Founding Trustee and current Trustee of the Foxhall Foundation. Founding Trustee and current Board Member of the UrantiaUniversity. Founding Trustee and current Board member of FreeSchools World Literacy Foundation.